If your vehicle is exhibiting any of these common problems, bring it in for service as soon as possible.
The longer you wait, the greater the chance for higher repair cost due to bigger transmission problems.
If proper transmission maintenance is performed, your chance of a significant transmission problem are greatly reduced.
Leaks and Old Fluid

Leaking old transmission fluid can be easily confused with engine oil.
Leaks create several problems:
- Hard shifting due to insufficient fluid.
- Foreign material in the transmission which can damage the transmission, and inhibit transmission fluid flow.
- A gummed up transmission filter, which severely restricts transmission fluid flow.
- A need to continually refill the fluid.
- A dirty mess all over wherever you take your vehicle.
Hard shifting
Jerky, banging, jolting are never a good sign when a vehicle is shifting.
Grinding when shifting. You can hear, and feel the damage being done to the transmission.
Hard shifting causes severe transmission wear, and will lead to high cost repairs very quickly.
Failed Shifting
- When the vehicle will not shift, or will not shift into some gears.
- No reverse.
- Grinding when shifting into certain gears.

What we do
We will fully inspect your transmission, and advise you on the best possible solution to your transmission problem.
We will work with you to insure you have the best information, and the best options to get your vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible.
We will also put you and your vehicle into our automotive maintenance system, so that you will be reminded to perform proper preventive maintenance, and avoid these problems in the future.