Driving safety: Visibility
Experts agree: Being able to see is key to safe driving.
This is a picture of a car driving down a highway, at night, with bad wiper blades.
The “wiper” (smear-er?) is in the middle of the image with blurry glass on either side.
Nice view. Like modern art. What could possibly go wrong?
We tend to not think about them until we are struggling to see while driving.
Then we grump about them until we arrive at our destination. Arrghh.
At which point we immediately forget all about them until the next time we need them. Arrghh again.
Bad wiper blades are not just annoying, they are dangerous.
You can extend the life of your wipers by doing one simple thing: Turn off your wipers whenever you arrive at your destination. We have all left the wipers on and simply turned off the car. The blades stop, sure. But when you restart the car, they jump back into action. If the weather is cold enough to freeze, your blades drag across the ice on your windshield, seriously damaging the blades, and reducing their life. But even if it is a nice warm day after some rain, or dry in your garage, those blades are dragged across a dry windshield. That does a lot less damage than the ice, but still damages the blades, particularly if you have any bug guts or other dirt on your windshield.
Get in the habit of turning your wipers off, just like the lights. And save yourself some wear and tear.
If you are already annoyed with bad wipers, stop by one of our shops, mention this maintenance tip, and get new blades for half price. We don’t want our awesome customers driving around looking through a constantly changing piece of modern art.
Drive safely.