Mystery Machine Maintenance
Stevo’s Pizza & Ribs’
Mystery Machine Maintenance:
Getting The Excellence Treatment
Stevo’s Pizza & Ribs knows how to have fun with their vehicles
We love Stevo’s Pizza & Ribs, and we love their really cool collection of delivery vehicles.
These folks really know how to enjoy what they do, and bring you right along with them.
You can’t help but have fun with Stevo’s Pizza & Ribs. And you can have fun 24 hours a day ’cause they are always open.
Stop on in and tell ’em InTechgrity Automotive sent you!
And check out the Mystery Machine, along with their other cool vehicles, like the pizza delivery ‘YO’ truck from Toy Story.

Does your machine need some Excellence?
Or maybe your machine is exhibiting some mysterious behaviors?
Shoot us an email and let’s make your vehicle Excellent: