It’s not always an automobile that needs repair.
Two brothers walked their bikes up to the fifth bay of the shop.
The younger brother, about five years old, looked up at me, and then down at the drooping chain of his bicycle. He would be having a hard time keeping up with his brother without the chain.
I asked him if he would like to help me fix his chain.
He gave just a hint of a smile and nodded.
“OK”, I said. “Let me get a couple of tools and let’s see if we can fix this.”
The little boy helped hold the bike as I adjusted his chain and reset the sprocket. His older brother watched in silence.
“I think we’ve got it. Do you want to give it a test ride”?
A little nod {yes}.
The little one took off on that bike, mission accomplished.
Two more important people helped that day, and a big smile as he rode away.