Cool Stories

A crashed Buick and a payday
She had been bringing the car to us since 1998, back when we were just starting out under the old name. We had performed all of the maintenance on her ’97 Buick for these many, many years. All of the scheduled maintenance was performed to factory specifications for eighteen years. The car was in excellent […]

Bill’s $100.00 bill
A customer came into our shop one evening looking for some suspension work. We assessed the job, and provided him with a written quote. When consulting with the customer on the job and costs, the customer did not want to spend the money and said he felt it was just too expensive, so he left […]

It’s not always an automobile that needs repair.
Two brothers walked their bikes up to the fifth bay of the shop. The younger brother, about five years old, looked up at me, and then down at the drooping chain of his bicycle. He would be having a hard time keeping up with his brother without the chain. I asked him if he would […]

Tim’s personal challenge
A cold, slick morning. I am not sure how the young high school kid got that vehicle into the parking lot. He had slid into a curb and done a job on that front end. The right front tire was just pointing the wrong way. No steering on that side now. Tim, the store manager and […]

A man, a child’s bike, and a flat car tire at 6:30 AM. Welcome to Monday.
You would not have believed it. A rather large, muscular man rode up to the shop on a child’s bicycle the first thing Monday morning. The man was far too large for that little bike. But when you added to the scene the automobile tire and wheel: WOW. His knees pushed out to avoid the […]